Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lebowski Fest Eve: Thursday

The Indolence in Manic Indolence means that we rarely post in real time, due to the amount of recovery required if substance abuse was involved, whether or not lawyers or accountants were consulted, and/or good ole procrastination.

Regarding Lebowski Fest, all three may apply.

Lebowski Fest Eve: Thursday, July 10

Our flight here to Louisville, via Cleveland, was smooth. The only TSA-related issue was that my bowling bag was confiscated for special examination. While the TSA lady was wiping my dark green ball for traces of C-4, I was frantically ransacking my memory banks for whether or not I had forgotten any potentially incriminating or weird items in that bag. My amateur bowling career ended around 1995, when the toll on my back became too much. I probably haven't opened that cheesy fake red leather bag more than 2 or three times since.

After it passed inspection, I asked the agent if my shoes were in there...she said yes. Which was a relief, as I generally avoid renting shoes whenever I can.

Lee and I checked in the Executive Inn, diagonally across a huge intersection from the bowling alley venue for Lebowski Fest. The hotel is going south, accomodations-wise. Old carpets. Funky odors wafting from the dark hallway corners. 70s decor. But our room is okay, and the event price was right: 85 per night.

Leaving the hotel to go to the Louisville Slugger Museum at 3, we actually ran into Jim Hoosier "Liam" as he entered the hotel for the first time, so our LF experience is getting off to a good start.

The museum was cool, too...watching how baseball bats were/are made.

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