Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Germs on a Pen

I asked a young woman to sign a petition for me today. She agreed to sign, but spurned my offer of a pen.

"Too many germs," she said. She then brandished her own writing utensil.

I'm thinking she's a little OCD about cleanliness. I have never worried about the disease-spreading potential of a pen or pencil or crayon.

I'm sure I've accidently consumed all manner of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa over the years, sticking dirty pens in my mouth, temporarily storing them there to free my hands.


mick said...

Yeah, there's more and more of that germ-anoia going around. I guess Howie Mandel made it fashionable by refusing to shake hands with anyone.

I am a little put off by people who instinctively lick their fingers for traction when turning pages, separating papers or opening plastic bags. And I'm at least aware when someone covers their sneeze with their right hand moments before wanting to shake mine.

But you're right, we're all exposed to countless germs and bacteria every day. And that exposure helps our bodies build up resistance. I know I've read that some people with allergies grew up in cleaner homes than you or I did. They never were exposed to dirt and germs which left them with no defenses when they were in later life.

Larry said...

You can be too fastidious about this stuff. My grandfather always told us we needed to eat some dirt...and I think the allergies are a sign that we aren't getting the dirt we need.