I just watched a few video clips of this dude on talkingpointsmemo.com (scroll down to "Tim Pawlenty V.P. Madness!")
Wow....he is really Mr.Enthusiasm. He makes McSurge sound like Richard Simmons on crystal meth.
So if Bobby Jindal (the Exorcist) doesn't pan out, well, McSurge has found the blandest white man on the planet, this side of Orrin Hatch, to replace him.
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Pawlenty is simply not gonna cut it. To win, McCain needs Sarah Palin as his veep-mate.
I do believe that Palin will get the nod.
McCain/Palin '08
Well, well...my very first pro-McSurge commenter.
I'm touched.
Don't know much about Ms. Palin other than that she's Governor of America's Icebox and a new mom.
Though it probably won't help her cause that Ted Stevens and Don Young are up to their guggles in corruption scandals this election cycle.
Does McSurge really need Alaska's electoral votes to go over the top?!?!
I thought that was the prime consideration for VP choice: balance the ticket and try to gain an important state.
Maybe "ted"s last name is Stevens?
What McCain needs is some Joe-mentum. That's right, McCain-Lieberman '08! It'll be the ultimate balance of older white guys who can alienate their own bases and still win.
(drat, I wanted to be the first 'publican here)
hey mick,
Can't be the Senator because, as we all know, doesn't unnerstand the Intertubes.
Well, LIEberman alienated his own base and won once.
McSurge has alienated his base and has only won the nomination; a far cry from actually winning something of value.
You'll go down in the MI annals as McSurge Aficianado Segundo. Sorry!
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