Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Tick in the Eye Saves Nine...

...or something like that.

Toffee (Cutius puppicus) has a tick. Right on one of his eyelids. One, perhaps two, millimeters from his slightly bulging left eye.

This is a dog with the hypermanic energy of a freshly angered wasp, so my removing the tick is totally out of the question. Even with my older daughter pinning him down and my hand gripping his skull tightly. We did try.'s time for a trip to the Wood River Animal Hospital where our friendly neighborhood vet can take a whack at it.

Toffee is an indoor dog, primarily. I can't imagine what he'd looked like if left outside alone for any length of time. Probably like an emaciated, anemic monkey with a million little black handbags hanging off him.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ad Hominem Attack

Saw Justice Scalia on 60 Minutes tonight, briefly. When confronted with the Bush v. Gore controversy, he spat out his disdain.

His beady squint, and the way he licks his lips, were evocative of a lizard, say a Gila monster.

Gila monster saliva has been analyzed, though, and a new diabetes drug, exenatide, is derived from it.

Something tells me there is nothing useful or therapeutic in Scalia's spittle.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Car Accidents, and the Right Side of My Volvo

Some clown took an abrupt u-turn into my car at a rest area on 95 S near the Mass Pike Thursday afternoon.

I'm fine. The contact was in super slow motion, and the collision was more of a soft crumple than a severe impact.

But the damage was enough. Cracked headlight lens. Dented the right front quarter panel. Snapped the bolts on the bumper.

Two years ago I got side-swiped by a hit-and-run Boston SWAT vehicle and lost my right side mirror cover, but I'll save that tale of woe for another day.

And soon after that, I backed into my son's car ever so slightly, denting the right rear quarter panel.

So the right side of my Volvo is wounded and beaten up.

But on the bright side: 31 mpg, and 201,000+ miles.

Lebowski Fest Update

Lebowski Fest, Numero Seven, is this July 11 and 12 in Louisville, KY.

And we'll be there, my son Lee and I.

We have our Lebowski Fest tickets.

We have our Lebowski Fest hotel reservations: 89 dollars a night at the super convenient Executive Inn across the street from the festivities.

We have our Lebowski Fest airplane tickets, via Continental Airlines, provided they don't merge with anyone before then.

We just have to decide who we are dressing up as.

Will it be as nihilists?
Will it be as bowlers?
Will it be as Achievers?

These, and other Lebowski Fest details are yet to be worked out.

I think I'll light some incense, take a warm bath with my marmot, and mull it over a couple three White Russians.

Cinnamon, Deer, Tulips, and Type II Diabetes

We planted some tulips two years ago. Before they really starting blooming, deer came and ate them to nubs.

This year I tried a new deer repellent, and so far it is working. The magic ingredient appears to be cinnamon oil.

Now cinnamon is a wonderful spice. And the name cinnamon is associated with several species of plants, and has many exotic uses, according to the Wikipedia Gods. But I've never seen it used as a deer repellent before. Maybe I'll add this to the wiki page.

In the meantime, I happen to be writing about diabetes and cinnamon for my day job. Some Pakistani researchers published results in the journal Diabetes Care in 2003 that claimed that cinnamon could improve glycemic control (control of blood sugar, for you non-diabetics and non-medical folks out there). Since then, researchers have found little further data that supports that claim. But here is the Wikipedia article saying that the Pakistani researchers used cassia, not what we think of as cinnamon, so we may be comparing apples to, er, cinnamon. So I have some more digging to do.

Thanks to my previously munched tulips, I have researched cinnamon a little more than I would have normally, and found something useful to add to my work, along with a few more dark alleys to run down.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Assorted Thoughts

Well, I just typed for 15 minutes, spilling my proverbial guts, and a Blogger system error ate my post. Bastards!

So I'll try again, but this time more telegraphically.

PA primary OVER. Good. Good for Hill. Peeps gave her $$$. She's gonna need every centavo.

Gorgeous taste of summer today. 80. Sunny. Ate lunch outside.

Gas rocketing. Oil surging. Shortage of rye flour HERE, in the US of A. End of Western Civ? Feels like it. Hopefully not. Don't want Chimpy and Darth to cancel elections.

War rages on. Petraeus to Centcom. Odierno to head Iraq. More kids die daily.

Can November get here fast enough??????

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Base Assumption: Everyone in Iraq is Al-Qaeda

Poor McSurge. He can't keep Iraq and Iran straight in his mind. He confuses Sunni with Shi'a. All he really knows is that these troublemaking folks live in a desert not much hotter than the one he represents in Arizona, except their desert is full of angry swarthy people, and lotsa oil.

So what better way to keep things straight on the Straight Talk Express than to label everyone "over there" as "Al-Qaeda?"

McSurge is lucky he has a brainiac like Ken Pollack to serve as his apologist.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Can Hillary Stop Attacking Democrats?

I haven't really weighed in much on Obama v. Hillary lately, as I am happy to support whoever wins the nomination, and I'd rather focus my energies on defeating St. John McSurge (R- Budweiser).

But now there's a tape of Hill going nuclear on, an organization that was founded to push back on Bill's impeachment woes, defended Bill during that stupid "Path to 9/11" movie controversy, and which happens to represent over 3 million Dems across America.

Hillary...take a break from insulting us, insulting Obama, and concentrate on attacking McSurge. That may be the only way to win the rest of us over, if you can make it out of Pennsylvania with a campaign.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

How McSurge Got His Groove Back sucking up to his base: everyday Republicans and conservative right-wing maniacs. I predicted this several months ago, when he first clinched the Repub nomination and conservatives and Bush Lovers everywhere were wringing their pasty little hands.

Relax, folks...St. John is resting easy these days...he aint running against anyone right now, so he appears all Presidential-like.

That ole microscope will swivel around shortly, though, and focus will return to this Ancient PTSD Flipflopper.


I did not watch the Dem debate last night, and who could blame me?

Stephanopoulos and Gibson??? I'd rather pluck my eyes out with fiery foundry tongs and stuff my ears with live centipedes.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The World Is Going To Hell...

...or maybe sometimes it just seems like that.

One of my tasks at work is to update drug information...a ginormous tsunami of information that floods my little cube (veal-fattening pen, for you Douglas Coupland fans out there) every day is beyond is spirit sapping.

Then I think about how few hours and days I have left to talk a walk on a sunny afternoon, or how many books I want to read or movies I want to watch that I haven't gotten to yet. Sheesh.

I'm definitely taking a walk tomorrow.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Unemployed War Criminal Update

So Alberto can't seem to find a job. Boo freaking hoo.

Here's my vote and my wish that he remain unemployed until it is time to whisk him off to the Hague.

Fire Up Them Impeachment Engines

...not that there hasn't been a surplus of impeachable acts these past 7 years...

Bush II, the Decider, decided to tell the American people the truth (for a change).

It behooves Congress to impeach. Now. Not later. Not never. Now.

And if we can get 60 votes in the Senate next year, we can join the World Court, and ship these miscreants directly to Brussels for their own war crimes tribunals.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Weird Ads

I allow this site to post related when I blog about Obama or Hillary, I get Obama and Hillary related ads. I've seen related ads about meat, after my Spam post. Meat, I can live with.

Now they're running an Alzheimer's Association ad, because Charlton Heston was a sufferer before he took that final chariot lap in the sky. I object to capitalizing on someone fresh death, unless it is me doing the capitalizing.

What is next? NRA ads? Ads for Soylent Green?

$112 a Barrel Oil, Financial Markets in Turmoil

Oh, and food prices are tripling all around the world, when the food items themselves are not running out.

Paging Dr. Malthus, paging Dr. Malthus, worldwide catastrophe calling on Line 1...

McSurge and the "C" Word

Yes...I saw this story, about the Cliff Schecter quote in his new book, The Real McCain.

Nice mouth, McNasty.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

McSurge and the New Hundred Year's War

There was already a Hundred Years' War. It was in France, fought by the French and the English, and it was long and bloody and not particularly fruitful.

Now McSurge claims that there should be a new Hundred Years' War, only this time in Iraq and Iran, and wherever else this nutty little whackjob wants to send American troops.

Between now and November, we should hang this idiotic proposal about his puffy neck like the Ancient Mariner's albatross.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Demise of a Damned Dirty Ape

Charlton Heston has left the building, as they say. He had a very long and interesting career, as actors go. And he was also famous for fighting for civil rights in the early 60' it is apropos this week when we're reminiscing about Dr. King to remember the contributions of others.

And I'm looking forward to week-long tribute of his movies, with such cheesy sci-fi wonders as:

Planet of the Apes 1968
Beneath the Planet of the Apes 1970
The Omega Man 1971
Soylent Green 1973

These 4 movies came out in my formative teen years, and thinking about them transports me back in time...curled up in bed reading Asimov and Clarke, staying up to enjoy late-night movies and sci-fi fantasies, right at the time of the ascension of color TV in the U.S. (and also in our household).

Late in life Heston became NRA President...and ultimately was suitably ridiculed by Michael Moore in Bowling for Columbine. Um...I'm not crazy about guns. Don't own one, have never fired one, don't really look forward to ever firing one.

In any case, though, I'll look out for these movies again this week.

"Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape."

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Main Reason Not to Vote for McSurge

Let's tackle the biggest one today. The War.

This is, without doubt, the number one reason why you should not vote for McSurge. Not now, not in 4 years. Not ever.

This illegal, immoral escapade has resulted in 4000+ of our soldiers getting killed, tens of thousands killed horribly maimed, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, millions of refugees, and 500 billion + from our treasury.

And St. John W. McSurge wants to stay. Even though he doesn't understand the difference between a Shi'ite and a Sunni. Even though he thinks staying 60 years in Korea is comparable to 100 years in Iraq.

70% of the American public thinks this war was a mistake, and he thinks it is our finest moment.

We have to rally around whoever his opponent will be; the only alternative is a 3rd Bush term (with McSurge playing the role of neocon whackjob).

Friday, April 4, 2008

Martin Luther King & 1968

I turn 50 this year. I was 9 when Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, 40 years ago today. Bobby Kennedy was murdered later that summer, soon after my birthday, another American tragedy. And my father died in between, an American hero on a much smaller scale, but a hero of mine in any case.

So thoughts of 1968 bring back many sad and strange memories for me. It really seemed like the entire world was crumbling around us, between the war and the violence in the streets and all the protests and civil unrest. Nixon resurgent, and the beginning of his reign of error.

40 years have gone by...and where are the protests? We have a war as heinous, if not more heinous, than Vietnam, if only because we should be so much wiser. We have lost many of our civil rights in the meantime, because we've allowed fearmerchants like Bush and Cheney and Rove to steal them in the night like so many petty thieves. We have more people in prison per capita than mainland China, and we torture people routinely in the name of national security.

And Bush is trying for his 3rd term, via the zombie corpse of McSurge.

We could use a Rev. King right about now. In fact, there probably hasn't been an American moment in the past 230 years where we couldn't have used a Martin Luther King.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

1001 Reasons Not to Vote For McSurge

I think this will be my next writing project...perhaps another blog, just devoted to McSurge.

There have to be at least 1001 reasons not to vote for this war mongering nutjob with all the anger issues.

So let's start at the beginning:

1. McSurge'll be the Oldest Man Elected President. 'Nuff said.

2. He's generally angrier than an Angry Beaver. Even his Republican colleagues think he's really crazy and hot-headed and ill-suited to be fingering the nuclear suitcase.

3. He ditched his wife and kids to marry a bleached blonde Budweiser beer distributor heiress. He clearly went after Cindy McCain because she was rich, and he was a relatively destitute Congressman. He certainly didn't pursue her for her conversation skills.

4. He's SHORT. He's joining a very long list of short, angry men who make problematic leaders...think Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler, Kim Jong Il, Rudi 9iu11iai.

5. Enough with the self-proclaimed "maverick" title bullshit. He's never been a maverick in the true sense of the word. His overall conservative scores are ~80%, so he sides with them 4 times out of 5. When he does abandon a Republican viewpoint it is ALWAYS because it is highly unpopular. He's a frontrunning phony.

6. I read his crappy book, Faith of My Fathers. McSurge obviously suffered as a POW...but his recollection of his own pre-war young man behavior is repellent. He comes across as the smart ass bully with the multigenerational family ties and a chip on his shoulder.

7. He was accused of having an illegimate black daughter by Bush's campaign (Rove, primarily) but allowed his overweening lust for the Presidency to overtake any sense of decency. Instead of fighting Bush like a true maverick, he embraced him, both literally and figuratively.

8. He's friends with Joe Lieberman.

9. He sprinkles the trite phrase "my friends" throughout his speeches. Ugh.

10. Although he may be the phoniest man on the planet, and has flip-flopped on dozens of views and policies, he has the temerity to call his campaign "The Straight Talk Express."

I think I am off to a good start.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Humor in Confidence Intervals

My writing job involves some statistical analysis. I get to make a group presentation about confidence intervals on Thursday. Confidence intervals can be narrow. They can be wide. The ability of confidence intervals to be wide allows me to tell a Steven Wright joke:

"Some people are afraid of heights....I'm afraid of widths."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First McSurge Bumper Sticker Sighting

Saw my first robin 2 weeks ago.
Saw my first cardinal (female) Saturday.
Saw my first McSurge bumper sticker serif name on a white background...very unpresidential, very uncampaigny.

And there was no year maybe it was just an artifact from 2000...but on second thought it would have faded.

This being Massachusetts, it was lost in a sea of Clinton '08 and Obama '08 stickers, and the occasional Visualize Whirled Peas.