Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First McSurge Bumper Sticker Sighting

Saw my first robin 2 weeks ago.
Saw my first cardinal (female) Saturday.
Saw my first McSurge bumper sticker today...blue serif name on a white background...very unpresidential, very uncampaigny.

And there was no year listed...so maybe it was just an artifact from 2000...but on second thought it would have faded.

This being Massachusetts, it was lost in a sea of Clinton '08 and Obama '08 stickers, and the occasional Visualize Whirled Peas.


mick said...

I just saw my first McSurge lawn sign - that should scare the robins away from that lawn. And I unfortunately caught most of McStooge on Letterman. I guess Dave can't take sides but he sure was lobbing the meatballs. Dave almost blamed Iraq on 9/11.

Larry said...

I didn't see him on Letterman...
Dave is generally quite liberal and he's had Clinton on a few times. I think those guys tend to play softball with everyone.