Thursday, April 3, 2008

1001 Reasons Not to Vote For McSurge

I think this will be my next writing project...perhaps another blog, just devoted to McSurge.

There have to be at least 1001 reasons not to vote for this war mongering nutjob with all the anger issues.

So let's start at the beginning:

1. McSurge'll be the Oldest Man Elected President. 'Nuff said.

2. He's generally angrier than an Angry Beaver. Even his Republican colleagues think he's really crazy and hot-headed and ill-suited to be fingering the nuclear suitcase.

3. He ditched his wife and kids to marry a bleached blonde Budweiser beer distributor heiress. He clearly went after Cindy McCain because she was rich, and he was a relatively destitute Congressman. He certainly didn't pursue her for her conversation skills.

4. He's SHORT. He's joining a very long list of short, angry men who make problematic leaders...think Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler, Kim Jong Il, Rudi 9iu11iai.

5. Enough with the self-proclaimed "maverick" title bullshit. He's never been a maverick in the true sense of the word. His overall conservative scores are ~80%, so he sides with them 4 times out of 5. When he does abandon a Republican viewpoint it is ALWAYS because it is highly unpopular. He's a frontrunning phony.

6. I read his crappy book, Faith of My Fathers. McSurge obviously suffered as a POW...but his recollection of his own pre-war young man behavior is repellent. He comes across as the smart ass bully with the multigenerational family ties and a chip on his shoulder.

7. He was accused of having an illegimate black daughter by Bush's campaign (Rove, primarily) but allowed his overweening lust for the Presidency to overtake any sense of decency. Instead of fighting Bush like a true maverick, he embraced him, both literally and figuratively.

8. He's friends with Joe Lieberman.

9. He sprinkles the trite phrase "my friends" throughout his speeches. Ugh.

10. Although he may be the phoniest man on the planet, and has flip-flopped on dozens of views and policies, he has the temerity to call his campaign "The Straight Talk Express."

I think I am off to a good start.


mick said...

Don't forget torture! He goes on Letterman and gets applause for saying he will close Guantanamo and that the US will never use torture when he's president. But he won't push for closing Gitmo right now, he'll use it as a platform plank. And when he had a chance to send a clear message and vote to ban torture by all US personnel, he went with his GOP friends to show what a macho leader he'll be and how conservative he can really be. Playing politics with servicemen and servicewomen's lives and the use of torture - those are admirable qualities that I want in my next president.

mick said...

Oh, and I really liked "9iu11iani" - very creative.

But I guess it's not an original:

Larry said...

Oh, yeah...

McSurge is full of all sorts of crap...those 10 were just the first ten that came to mind. Sort of Family Feud answers I could whip up in 60 seconds.

But there are lots more...not the least of which is his support for the WAR.

And I knew that "9iu11iani" wasn't original, but I don't remember where I saw it first...certainly on a progressive/lefty blog.