Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lebowski Fest Update

Lebowski Fest, Numero Seven, is this July 11 and 12 in Louisville, KY.

And we'll be there, my son Lee and I.

We have our Lebowski Fest tickets.

We have our Lebowski Fest hotel reservations: 89 dollars a night at the super convenient Executive Inn across the street from the festivities.

We have our Lebowski Fest airplane tickets, via Continental Airlines, provided they don't merge with anyone before then.

We just have to decide who we are dressing up as.

Will it be as nihilists?
Will it be as bowlers?
Will it be as Achievers?

These, and other Lebowski Fest details are yet to be worked out.

I think I'll light some incense, take a warm bath with my marmot, and mull it over a couple three White Russians.


Chalupa said...

Don't forget your whale sounds cassettes.

Larry said...


I thought about adding that or a Creedence tapes reference...obviously the whale sounds are more relaxing and apropos.