Saturday, April 26, 2008

Car Accidents, and the Right Side of My Volvo

Some clown took an abrupt u-turn into my car at a rest area on 95 S near the Mass Pike Thursday afternoon.

I'm fine. The contact was in super slow motion, and the collision was more of a soft crumple than a severe impact.

But the damage was enough. Cracked headlight lens. Dented the right front quarter panel. Snapped the bolts on the bumper.

Two years ago I got side-swiped by a hit-and-run Boston SWAT vehicle and lost my right side mirror cover, but I'll save that tale of woe for another day.

And soon after that, I backed into my son's car ever so slightly, denting the right rear quarter panel.

So the right side of my Volvo is wounded and beaten up.

But on the bright side: 31 mpg, and 201,000+ miles.


mick said...

I'm guessing you meant 31 MPG. You can save your MPH lies for the cop who pulls you over. I took my last 2 cars over 200,000 miles in roughly 9 years each time. Now I have a 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid getting 40-45 MPG. I'm enjoying it but I wonder if it will make 200,000 miles, specifically the costly hybrid battery. That's sometime in the next decade, though. I've got plenty to worry about before then.

Larry said...

Very funny. I fixed it. Hybrid, eh??? I've looked at them, might get one when this one dies.

The last (only) time I was stopped going under 31 mph was at very first speeding ticket.

I was clocked going 25 in a 15.