Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Tick in the Eye Saves Nine...

...or something like that.

Toffee (Cutius puppicus) has a tick. Right on one of his eyelids. One, perhaps two, millimeters from his slightly bulging left eye.

This is a dog with the hypermanic energy of a freshly angered wasp, so my removing the tick is totally out of the question. Even with my older daughter pinning him down and my hand gripping his skull tightly. We did try.'s time for a trip to the Wood River Animal Hospital where our friendly neighborhood vet can take a whack at it.

Toffee is an indoor dog, primarily. I can't imagine what he'd looked like if left outside alone for any length of time. Probably like an emaciated, anemic monkey with a million little black handbags hanging off him.

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