Saturday, April 12, 2008

Weird Ads

I allow this site to post related when I blog about Obama or Hillary, I get Obama and Hillary related ads. I've seen related ads about meat, after my Spam post. Meat, I can live with.

Now they're running an Alzheimer's Association ad, because Charlton Heston was a sufferer before he took that final chariot lap in the sky. I object to capitalizing on someone fresh death, unless it is me doing the capitalizing.

What is next? NRA ads? Ads for Soylent Green?


mick said...

Yeah, these so-called "targeted" ads are obviously some software that scans for certain words. They think they're clever but whenever I check my "spam" folder on my Gmail account I invariably get spam recipes at the top. I think I might've attached some to a comment on your spam post. At least I know where to find spam recipes.

Larry said...

Well, unless hapless targeted individuals such as yourself start clicking on these cheesy ads, I'll never become the Internet gazillionaire I so richly deserve to be.