Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Good Whine Needs Aging

LIEberman gives good whine...ya gotta give him that.

Obama takes him to task for his sleazy Muslim rhetoric and weak-on-foreign -olicy crapola that Joe is trying to sell...and poor Joe is complaining about the treatment he's getting.

I cannot wait for Holy Joe to get stripped of his Homeland Security chairmanship...should be no longer than November 5th, by my reckoning.


mick said...

I don't know if I've shared this with you but I've put it out there a lot since I found it:


Looks like Joe LIE was concerned that the people of CT could remove him from office but once he found out that nothing could be done, the sky's the limit on how despicable he can act. And we're still stuck with him for 4 more years? I hope the Dems clean up in November and strip him of everything.

Larry said...

I checked out the link. Not surprising that there is little recourse except to vote him out.

I'm sure Obama is regretting his support of Joe.