Friday, June 13, 2008

Target and Feed Your Prostate

I don't have any issues with my prostate, knock on wood.

But there is an irritating radio spot I keep hearing on sports radio WEEI (Boston)...the voiceover guy's voice drones on until he starts describing some supplement designed to "target and feed your prostate."

Ummmm...I think the goal with prostate problems is to reduce the size of your prostate. Any supplement or treatment would probably work better if it "target(ed) and STARVE(D) your prostate," I think.

And the guy's voice is so drony that I haven't heard the ad in full yet. By the time I recognize it, they are in "repeat the 800 number so many times you'll never forget it" mode, and they already stopped mentioning the name of the product. I can't bring myself to call the 800 number, but when I get the product name I'll be sure to follow up with more info.


mick said...

I liked the "knock on wood" in a perverted sort of way.

We're becoming a nation of drug pushers and drug addicts. I don't know how much you have to visit or how many doctors you see but every doctor I see is invariably called on by at least one suit with a briefcase full of pills. I have seen them stroll in and open the office door and some even have access to the cabinets full of drugs so they can restock the warchest.

I have also had doctors tell me that a pill I was taking for one problem "caused" another problem but that I shouldn't worry because they have yet another pill to address that problem.

They have also been bullying me for years to take a cholesterol drug. I continue to refuse even after both my G.P. and my cardiologist have confided in me that they think these drugs are great and that they both personally take them. I don't think they're lying but it concerns me how they buy the latest findings when I feel quite sure that the "research" was probably funded by the drug company pushing that drug.

And these ads on TV for drugs to combat a particular disease that the majority of us might not even have (fibromyalgia, ED, etc.) are as pervasive as the spam pushing Cialis & Viagra & Oxycontin.

We're a sick society in search of a cure - in the wrong places.

Larry said...

Well, yes...the pharmaceutical industry is out to turn us into a nation of perpetual users.

And docs rarely have the time and training to know each new drug with any great confidence.

The statins are scary, if those are the ones they are pushing.

I'd be very hesitant to take a statin myself.