Monday, January 28, 2008

Last Sighting of the Yellow-bellied Texas Lame Duck

Looking for quotes about tonight's SOTU's a good one: "This speech will have all the suspense of the 500th rerun of I Love Lucy,' said Jack Pitney, professor of political science at Claremont McKenna College in California (via Dan Froomkin, WaPo columnist).

But you know...I liked I Love Lucy.

It was more like the the 500th rerun of a really crappy show, like The Incredible Hulk or Charlie's Angels or Land of the Lost.

Anyhow, I saw a word cloud of the speech and expected to see "nukular" prominently displayed, but it didn't make the top 50 words. I heard W mispronounce it 3 times in a matter of seconds, but I guess he caught himself and stopped.

God...can January 20, 2009 come fast enough?????

Tomorrow's Tuesday...Rudi 9ui11ani's swan, I hope Ron Paul's lemmings can get out the vote. I desire total humiliation. Less than 10 percent, and Paul finishing fourth ahead of Rudi.

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