Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Nor'easter aftermath

The storm that dropped 4-6 inches on southern Rhode Island yesterday left more like a foot out here north of Boston.

Bright sun rising in the east, so the white, wet snow clings like butter frosting and freezes to the branches and limbs. It made for a pretty commute.

The roads in were in great shape...didn't see any accidents or abandoned vehicles today, or spinouts, either. Mass drivers take advantage of one peculiarity that you don't see anywhere else. It is OKAY to use the breakdown lane on Rt. 128 (I-95) as an extra driving lane during commuting hours. So I feel sorry for the poor schlubs entering and exiting who have to try and merge with the high-speed breakdown lane idiots. During an active storm it is not unusual to see several folks spun out in these areas; and afterwards the breakdown lanes can be blocked with snow. But the Mass DOT did a good job for a change, and everything looks great now.

Looking forward to getting home tonight in time to watch the returns from Michigan. I am a serious politics junkie, if you haven't noticed.

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