Monday, January 7, 2008

One goal of this blog

This blog has several goals. One goal is to keep most of the other goals a secret. Thought you could trick me, didn’t you!

Another goal is to occasionally make you laugh hard. Any old yob can make you snort your Ovaltine. I want you to laugh so hard, that someday whatever liquid you’re submersed in rockets out of all of your orifices simultaneously, and at sneeze-like velocities (that is, 140-150 mph). Pool water, perhaps. But it could be grape soda or yak’s milk, if you’re also attempting a grape soda- or yak’s milk-related Guinness World Record. But on second thought, the higher the viscosity, the slower the exit velocity, so you’d better stick to water.

Ovaltine or yak’s milk just aren’t going to work that well.

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