Monday, March 31, 2008

40 Years Ago Today...

...LBJ told the world he was hangin' up his spurs, the lascivious old bastard.

I was tuned into POTUS08, XM radio 130, this morning when I heard his gravelly Texas drawl oozing out of my speakers mid-speech.

I remembered that in '68 Johnson had surprisingly announced that he was no longer in the running for re-election. It oocurred to me that this was probably the anniversary...why else would they be rebroadcasting one of his speeches? He would have had to have done it this time of year...

The speech was apparently 35 minutes long, so I guess I caught the last 20 minutes or so.

The announcement, at the very end, was jarring different from the tone of the rest of his speech. Much of what I heard was devoted to recapping history and progress in Vietnam. I enjoyed getting to hear most of it today, even though the whole time I kept thinking about the awful parallels with Iraq.

If only Bush had had such qualms in 2004, maybe we'd be out there by now. But no...he is not only ignorant, he's stubborn.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

All Hail The Idiots In Our NCAA Pools

You know who the idiots are that you work with. The idiots in your NCAA pool.

They're the pack of Neanderthals who pick all their winners based on whether or not the mascot of one team could eat/kill the mascot of the other team, if they were animals engaged in mortal combat on Animal Planet.

They're the gang of jerks who give you score updates of tourney games in progress "after the first period."

They're the sort of dummies who couldn't tell Digger Phelps from Dig 'Em Frog.

They're the kind of morons who pick all four number 1 seeds to go to the Final Four.

And more than likely, these geniuses are winning your pool. Nice job, Brainaic.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Metaphor Countdown

How long before this is used as a metaphor for the Democratic nomination battle?

Friday, March 28, 2008


How hard is it to read a phone number aloud?

Apparently, this was fairly challenging for 43, who screwed it up the last time he tried it, too.

Can't remember the number?...turn around, W - it was on a big freaking banner behind you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

McSurge, With a Side of Rice?

Rice-A-Phony, the San Francisco Treat, er, Ex-Stanford Provost Freak...

Condoleezza Rice, of Chevron shipping fame, is apparently looking to pad her resume before she interviews for the NFL Commish job she' s been cravin'. She attended a Grover Norquist-run conservative function earlier today, which triggered speculation that Condi wants to be considered for McSurge's VP slot. Go for it, girl.

What better way to tie McSurge permanently and fatally to Bush & Cheney and their failed Administration?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ceasefire, Please!

It has been awhile since the last primary. We're still 4 weeks away from the Pennsylvania primary. I wish the Democratic candidates and their moronic surrogates would kindly shut up 'til then.

In the last couple of weeks we have learned many things. We learned that Obama has a pastor who's a little bit crazy and a whole lotta hateful for a Christian. And we learned that something about a cute 8-year-old girl bearing gifts on a Bosnian tarmac convinced Hillary Clinton that snipers were emptying their rifles on her and Chelsea and Sinbad and Cheryl Crow.

We learned that Obama's advisor, Samantha Power, thinks Hill is a monster. We learned that Bill Clinton fantasizes about a race where both candidates love their country. We learned that James Carville thinks that Bill Richardson is like Judas.

Here's a thought, people. The Republicans are going to dip into the sewers to develop phony ideas to base their fall campaign on. There's really no doubt. No lie is scurrilous enough not to repeat; no rumor too disgusting or seedy not to mention. So let's let them wallow it this stuff. Let's stick to attacking our real, common enemy, the person we will rally against in the fall, regardless of who wins the Democratic nomination. St. John McSurge.

Here's what we've learned lately about McSurge. The country is in recession, and he's admitted he doesn't know much about economics. To reassure us on that front, his top economic advisor is former Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Deregulation), who spent his entire career stripping oversight from our financial markets.

On the religious front, we learned that McSurge actually solicited the endorsement of Minister John Hagee, who says the Catholic Church is the "Whore of Babylon."

We learned that Johnny Mac is so clueless, he needs Rape Gurney Joe Lieberman (R-Arizona) to prompt him for the correct foreign policy answers. We learned that McSurge thinks Purim is the Israeli version of Halloween.

We learned that McSurge has broken the spending caps according to federal election laws, and that media is continuing to give him a free pass.

Hillary, Barack,...and all of your surrogates...there is plenty to shoot at here. There's really no need to keep shooting at each other.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Salamanders, Crocodiles, and the War

DARPA is good for something besides weapons of mass destruction, after all.

Funded by a million dollar DARPA grant, some scientists think they are well on their way to solve the problem of mammalian limb regeneration, perhaps within 10 years or so.

Salamanders can regrow limbs quite easily. And like mammals, these amphibians have limbs with complex joints, bones, cartilage, nerves and blood vessels similar to mammalian limbs. And before you pooh-pooh the idea because of the size differential, the authors point out that crocodiles can even regenerate whole tails, which are comparable to human limbs in girth.

According to the article in this month's Scientific American, one of the key differences that prevents us from regrowing limbs is that mammals have fibroblasts that promote fibrotic scarring instead of making a layer of regenerative cells.

So if we can trick our cells into bypassing this fibrotic scarring, and supply the severed area with enough nutrients, we should be able to someday restore all these poor soldiers who are coming back from Iraq with missing limbs.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Your Future Robot Boss is a Fashion Challenged Perv

With a See-Through Head

Weird commercial today, shown during the NCAA tourney.

Product: Degree® deodorant/antiperspirant.

Plot: Hip young man of the future, getting ready for his busy work day, has Degree automatically applied to his pits via long robotic arms.

His commute into work is a Fifth Elemental amalgam of dangerous, high-speed near misses apparently inducing perspiration.

Conclusion: He enters his Robot Boss' office. Robot Boss scans Young Man's armpit areas, and satisfied that they are "under control" tilts his head and smiles approvingly.

Questions raised:

1) Why is the clearly male Robot Boss scanning his male employees?
2) I appreciated his yellow power tie, but why is the Robot Boss wearing suspenders? For that matter...why is he wearing clothes?
3) Why is Robot Boss' head see through? Wouldn't that be distracting to the employees of the future? Seeing crap flying by behind his big clear head while he's talking?

Happy Easter!

I like Easter. My reasons are more attitudinal than religious.

I just get sick of winter. As I get older, I find that I dislike the cold & snow & ice more and more. I can handle it in small doses, but by the end of February I'm ready to purchase a flamethrower and just torch every organic object within 50 miles, if that will help me keep my core temp up.

And there is absolutely zero reason to tie Jesus' resurrection to chocolate bunnies and marshmallows and jelly beans, but I do share the joy kids get out of these rituals.

We held our annual family Easter egg hunt, and our new puppy joined in the festivities as well.

So spring has gotten off to an excellent start. Pass the Peeps.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Has Sprung

the grass is riz,
I wonder where
the flowers iz...

Finally... a sunny, relatively calm day here in Rhode Island...after many windy and overcast days in a row. So wonderful to be able to take a walk at lunchtime and not have a gust of wind dislocate your shoulder. And the flowers are nearing riz. Our tulips and daffodils are beginning to stick their heads out through the mulch.

Compared to the weather our friends in the Mississippi Valley are enduring, I have nothing to complain about. The flood coverage is heartbreaking, watching whole towns and villages getting drowned.

But all of the drowned places will recover, eventually. They will be reborn; very much an Easter theme. Hopefully people will not rebuild so close to the rivers, next time. The silver lining is the silt deposited in all of the nearby farmland.

Friday, March 21, 2008

1% Smith

from USA Today:

"One in six were too young to buy a beer. About two dozen were old enough for an AARP card. Eleven died on Thanksgiving Day, 11 on Christmas, and at least five on their birthdays. One percent were named Smith."

The article goes on to provide more demographic breakdown on the war's impact. You might think that reaching a milestone like 4,000 dead U.S. soldiers could give Americans heartburn, if not remorse. But you're probably wrong.

"Whether anyone pays attention to the benchmark is something else. "People tend not to be numerologists," says John Mueller, an Ohio State expert on war and public opinion. "These milestones basically have little effect on public support for a war. It's not like the stock market; people are more affected by events in wars than numbers."

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Five Years Ago for the Iraqis...

Yesterday I wrote about the U.S. casualties.

Today is dedicated to the Iraqi victims of this illegal war. Click on "IRAQI SECURITY FORCE & CIVILIAN FATALITIES.

Regardless of whose numbers you choose...they are in the six figures.


World Health Organization: 151,000 (May 2003 - Nov 2007)
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health: 650,000 (March 2003 - July 2006)

I'll take Johns Hopkins and WHO over any BushCo jive.

And I've heard estimates of 80,000 Iraqi refugee women forced into prostitution in Syria and elsewhere.

Let us pray that this is the beginning of the end.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Five Years Today...

Approximately 4000 American lives lost.
Over 20,000 injured soldiers.
Over 500,000,000,000.00 spent.

But after all of this, we are only sure of three things.

Bush thinks he was right.
Cheney thinks Bush was right.
And the American people know they are both wrong.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

2008: A Space Eulogy

So my favorite Sri Lankan writer has died. Sad. He apparently loved diving, and Sri Lankan waters were the closest thing to space he figured he'd ever experience.

Towards the end he began to resemble another hero of mine, Buckminster Fuller, and Clarke was at least as bright and worldchanging as Fuller was. I'll have to reread my Fuller books to see if he commented on Clarke's idea of geosynchronous communication satellites.

I also see that Clarke's novel Rendezvous with Rama is being made into a movie...I'm curious to see how that turns out. I loved Kubrick's 2001, and I'd love to see that on the big screen one more time before I die.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hyenas in Baghdad

Joe Sudbay makes a great point...

If things were going so well -- five years later -- why would Cheney need a surprise visit?
Cheney was so confident about being greeted as a liberator, why does he sneak into Iraq?
Why not announce the visit in advance so the Iraqis can plan the parade?

St. John McSurge is also skulking around the Green Zone with Lieberman and Lindsay Graham.

Flowers and chocolates, right? Five years, 4,000 American lives and 700 billion dollars later, and they are all still sneaking around like the hyenas in The Lion King.

"Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones...

we got a thang, goin' on.... "

Somehow with all the other news of the world, Spitzer, McGreevey, McCain in Iraq, Cheney in Iraq, Bear Stearns in the toilet....I somehow missed the news about another faux memoirist, Margaret B. Jones.

"Me...ah, me...ah, Me and Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones....
we got a thang, goin' on...."

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Remember the U.S. Attorney Scandal???

I used to think that the Democratic leadership was dragging their feet on the U.S. Attorney Scandal because they feared it would distract from the presidential campaign, ensuring another Republican term.

Now I am not so sure. After the arcane parliamentary tricks they unveiled to stymie a FISA do-over, I'm now thinking they were/are taking their time so that the actual prosecution of the rats involved does not begin until AFTER Bush leaves office, thereby guaranteeing that Rove and Company do some hard time for peeing on the Constitution, and preventing Bush from issuing a sweeping pardon, as his father did with Cap Weinberger, et al.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Is the End Really Near?

We were good throughout this era, squirreling our money away and not refinancing every other week like the rest of the planet.

But it seems we'll get punished just the same when it all comes crashing down.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Denounce & Reject

It is Obama's turn again to denounce and reject someone else's idiotic rhetoric.

I'm reminded of the scene in A Few Good Men:

Lt. Weinberg: "I strenuously object?" Is that how it works? Hm? "Objection." "Overruled." "Oh, no, no, no. No, I STRENUOUSLY object." "Oh. Well, if you strenuously object then I should take some time to reconsider."

This storm will pass. The Right Wing Noise Machine is cranked up to 11, as it were. Nothing short of Obama's crucifixion on HBO will satisfy them. Whether or not Obama gets the nomination, this is how the dead-enders are going to campaign for Bush's third term. Hillary will get the same treatment.

Meanwhile, McCain's buddy Rev. Hagee is getting a pass. I haven't read the Federalist Papers in their entirety, but I'm pretty sure there's no mention of America being founded to destroy Islam in there.

Whatever happened to a) separation of church and state and b) freedom of speech?

It is going to be a long campaign. Ugh.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mittens is Back!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!

It's like he never left.

Those Magic Undies cannot be beat.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hated Moralizer Downfall Alert

Newsflash: Eliot Spitzer (D-NY Luv Guv), perhaps the homeliest (former) Attorney General this side of Dick Blumenthal, a man best known for his moralizing and heavy-handed prosecuting, was caught financing the interstate transport of a multi-thousand dollar hooker.

Who says capitalism is boring?

Incidently, this officially caps the Tri-State Governors Corruption Trifecta: McGreevy in NJ, Rowland in CT, now Spitzer in NY... with Giuliani & His Hamptons Mistress the cherry on top of the sundae.

And Eliot resigned, albeit artlessly.

A final thought: Hey, all you conservative Republican low-lifes (Rick Renzi, Larry Craig, David Vitter, etc.) hanging on out there. That is what you are supposed to do when you're caught red-handed. Slink off into the sunset.

Delays, Emergencies, Lousy Travels Airline

We had a great vacation. Lots of time relaxing. My son and my youngest daughter had fun. Mrs. MI and I even slept late a couple of times! I didn't think about work for about 9 days straight, so that was very cool. My job can be high pressure at times so it was wonderful to disengage from that energy for a while. I even finished reading the novel (Blood Meridian, by Cormac McCarthy) that I brought.


You have to get home, if you've traveled. And that means mass transportation, in a country that has little respect for the term.

I will not get into any details because they are tedious. And I won't tell you the name of the hideous organization I blame most for our travel-related fiascos, but their initials are DELTA.

As in: you suck, DELTA.
I'll never fly DELTA again.
DELTA, may your airline go into Chapter 7 so fast all of your stockholders end up in debtor's prison.

I won't compare my dark thoughts about DELTA with the infinite wanton violence in Blood Meridian. That is one gory, gory book. Supposedly Ridley Scott is directing the movie version.

I only wish them financial ruin.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Clinton/CIA Water Slide Dream

Yesterday I went down a water slide several times with my 7 year old daughter. The experience, with jet-assisted water, was like being expelled at high speed from a giant womb through a 4 foot wide birth canal. The only indication the event was ending was the sudden appearance of light at the finish. I was thankful I didn’t injure my back.

So I dreamed last night that the Clinton campaign, having won the presidency, had me spelunking underneath the White House. I was digging from one direction, Bill Clinton was digging from the other, and I guess Hillary was giving us direction from the Oval Office. I knew I’d reached Bill when the light broke through at the end. Repeating this process 3 or 4 times, Bill would emerge each time we completed a tunnel. He would then rip a wooden panel off the tunnel wall, exposing colored wires “for the CIA” he’d say to me in an aside.

I don’t know what to make of this dream. Which was more disturbing? The idea that Hillary won (I'd prefer Obama, but I could vote for Hill)? The idea of Bill tunneling beneath the White House on behalf of the CIA? That Hillary was aware and approving all of this? That I was invited to help out, me, a lowly Rhode Island Democrat with no Clinton connections whatsoever? That I had subconsciously connected a high-tech rebirth experience with political dirty works?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Weird Deli Meats

I was in a Publix the other day with my 21 year old son, and we admired the coldcuts together.

He moonlighted for a summer as a deli clerk when he was still in high school. So he knows his deli meats, for the most part.

But I asked him, while the woman behind the counter sliced us some nice rosemary ham, whether or not he had ever tried some exotic staples: liverwurst, head cheese, olive loaf, pimiento loaf.

The answer was no. My son likes prosciutto. He likes Genoa salami. He likes fatty mortadella. He’s never tried these other coldcuts that were the standards of my childhood, growing up with a cranky old omnivorous Danish grandfather. Head cheese, in particular, was a favorite of his. Head cheese appealed to Pop’s “waste not, want not” attitude. For the uninitiated, head cheese is a collection of little meat bits carved from the heads of pigs (nose, ears, jaws, etc.) suspended magically in clear gelatin. Pop was forever complaining about not being about to get a good blood sausage. Yeeesh.

So when I returned to Publix today to get a little more, I asked the girl behind the counter for free samples of head cheese and olive loaf. She kindly wrapped each in its own wax paper blanket with a smile. I asked her if she’d ever tried either. She looked at me as if I had tentacles growing out of my forehead.

And when I saw my son 30 minutes later, I offered him a taste of both rarities. Unfortunately, though, by then the gelatin in the head cheese had melted from the warmth of my hand, so I was left with moist nose and ear bits, not a slice of history. And he politely declined the olive loaf as well. I tried a piece of the overly wet head cheese…man, was it salty. And the olive loaf was a disappointment, too. It seemed even greasier than I remember.

Thank God I had some rosemary ham and fresh baby swiss to fall back upon.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

You Learn Something Every Day

Well...I haven't used a memory stick in a long time. Memory stick. Reminds me of the "Head-On" ads....

"Next time you walk into a room and can't remember why, use Memory Stick...apply directly to the forehead."

In any case, I bought a Geek Squad memory stick at Best Buy yesterday to reduce the actual amount of time I spend on the pay-per-use computer at our hotel. Only I hadn't read the fine print...these things are USB devices and plug in like keyboards and other accessories.

Only this stick requires you to formally "eject" it first. Which I hadn't done. So I ended up not being able to use it last night when I wanted to. Arrgh.

But I figured it out this morning. So far, so good.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Technical Issues and Blogging in a Swimsuit

The recent gap in my blogging was due to tech issues.

I couldn't get the wireless internet to function on my laptop, so I was hostage to a pay-to-use computer in the hotel's business office (69 cents per minute).

Which worked fine the first time I used it. That was then. On Monday it choked on my credit card, and yesterday I was so fatigued by the end of TX/OH/VT/RI primary day that I couldn't summon the energy to do battle with it again.

But today all is fine. When I told Mrs. MI I was going to blog, she asked me if I was going to go in my swimsuit (dark blue with vague aqua amphibian/piscean shapes). I told her I most assuredly was. You guys don't care, do you? I never ask you what you're wearing when you read this blog.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

27 for 38...Ty Cobb Would Be Jealous

So rabid plagiarist Tim Goeglein sampled other folks sweat for 27 of his 38 published columns. That's a .711 batting average for you kids scoring at home.

The column that got him caught was a decade old, apparently, but many of his other columns were freshly pilfered from 2006 and 2007 materials.

Some commenters to Nancy Nall's blog have had the nerve to tell her she should have given Goeglein a headsup first, or perhaps the White House itself, to spare this man the humiliation and perhaps his job.

You can't cut Goeglein any slack. This guy was being lazy AND stupid.

And give the White House a headsup? What!?!?! THIS White House? The home of more Constitution-shredding, obfuscating, stonewalling behavior than the Nixon and Reagan and Bush 41 White Houses COMBINED?

This White House and this Administration got exactly what they deserve: more sullying of their dreadful reputation. Bush 43 will be forever renowned for incompetence, greed, failure, and mismanagement.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Undisclosed Location Blogging

I'm channeling Richard B. Cheney.

No, I'm not exacerbating my pump head by having further secret bypass surgery or shooting casual acquaintances in the face with shotguns. And I'm not dropping f-bombs on the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee or subverting Congressional oversight at every opportunity.

I'm hangin' at an undisclosed location. And blogging whilst on vacation.

The idea of blogging runs counter to the principles of vacation. Instead of blogging, you should be relaxing. Taking your mind off work. Taking your mind off your responsibilities. Perhaps enjoying a frosty umbrella beverage or three poolside. But I must.

I owe it to you, Dear Reader, to forge ahead, to leave no cliche unuttered. Fear not. I will continue to post throughout the week. If I seem distracted, though, or not up to my usual blogging excellence, at least I have an excuse: too many umbrella drinks.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Memoir Was Fake...But Was It Also Plagiarized?

From Melissa Trujillo, AP writer.

"Almost nothing Misha Defonseca wrote about herself or her horrific childhood during the Holocaust was true. She didn't live with a pack of wolves to escape the Nazis. She didn't trek 1,900 miles across Europe in search of her deported parents, nor kill a German soldier in self-defense. She's not even Jewish."


Her book, "Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years," was a bestseller. The French made it into a movie, but that is understandable given their inexplicable love for Jerry Lewis.

Seeing how plagiarism is a hot topic lately, I thought it would be funny if we find out later that she and her ghost writer had also plagiarized the story, misappropriating portions of "Amish: A Memoir of the Pennsylvania Years." This was a tale about a young Pennsylvania Amish woman whose parents were kidnapped and murdered by redneck hunters from the Allegheny Mountains. The young woman then fled 1,500 miles across America by foot, killed a Michigan lumberjack who accosted her with her bare hands, but made it to Wisconsin eventually with the help of a roving band of caring woodchucks.