Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Delays, Emergencies, Lousy Travels Airline

We had a great vacation. Lots of time relaxing. My son and my youngest daughter had fun. Mrs. MI and I even slept late a couple of times! I didn't think about work for about 9 days straight, so that was very cool. My job can be high pressure at times so it was wonderful to disengage from that energy for a while. I even finished reading the novel (Blood Meridian, by Cormac McCarthy) that I brought.


You have to get home, if you've traveled. And that means mass transportation, in a country that has little respect for the term.

I will not get into any details because they are tedious. And I won't tell you the name of the hideous organization I blame most for our travel-related fiascos, but their initials are DELTA.

As in: you suck, DELTA.
I'll never fly DELTA again.
DELTA, may your airline go into Chapter 7 so fast all of your stockholders end up in debtor's prison.

I won't compare my dark thoughts about DELTA with the infinite wanton violence in Blood Meridian. That is one gory, gory book. Supposedly Ridley Scott is directing the movie version.

I only wish them financial ruin.

1 comment:

mick said...

Now look what you did, you big bully!