Sunday, March 23, 2008

Your Future Robot Boss is a Fashion Challenged Perv

With a See-Through Head

Weird commercial today, shown during the NCAA tourney.

Product: Degree® deodorant/antiperspirant.

Plot: Hip young man of the future, getting ready for his busy work day, has Degree automatically applied to his pits via long robotic arms.

His commute into work is a Fifth Elemental amalgam of dangerous, high-speed near misses apparently inducing perspiration.

Conclusion: He enters his Robot Boss' office. Robot Boss scans Young Man's armpit areas, and satisfied that they are "under control" tilts his head and smiles approvingly.

Questions raised:

1) Why is the clearly male Robot Boss scanning his male employees?
2) I appreciated his yellow power tie, but why is the Robot Boss wearing suspenders? For that matter...why is he wearing clothes?
3) Why is Robot Boss' head see through? Wouldn't that be distracting to the employees of the future? Seeing crap flying by behind his big clear head while he's talking?

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