Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Five Years Today...

Approximately 4000 American lives lost.
Over 20,000 injured soldiers.
Over 500,000,000,000.00 spent.

But after all of this, we are only sure of three things.

Bush thinks he was right.
Cheney thinks Bush was right.
And the American people know they are both wrong.


mick said...


That's what Dick Cheney thinks - see the video interview on the right.

Anonymous said...

Larry, thank you. You might be interested in seeing what is happening to the Veterans returning from Iraq... from my Providence Journal Column...

"Challenges for Returning Soldiers: Havoc with Heath and Relationships Sunday, February 3, 2008"

" IT IS VALENTINE’S DAY every day that a young man or woman arrives home safely from Iraq or Afghanistan. But for returning veterans the war often comes back with them. Family, friends and lovers looking forward to normality often see soldiers struggling with health and relationships as they fall through medical-care cracks..."

The article is posted on under the heading Relationship Columns.
Thank you for contacting me!

Larry said...

Hi Mick,

Yes, I saw this disgusting video yesterday.

I only hope he ends up extradited to the Hague.

Larry said...

Hi Rita,

Yes...I will check out your column and others on your site.

I know some returning vets, so I understand a little about what they and their families are going through.