Sunday, March 16, 2008

Remember the U.S. Attorney Scandal???

I used to think that the Democratic leadership was dragging their feet on the U.S. Attorney Scandal because they feared it would distract from the presidential campaign, ensuring another Republican term.

Now I am not so sure. After the arcane parliamentary tricks they unveiled to stymie a FISA do-over, I'm now thinking they were/are taking their time so that the actual prosecution of the rats involved does not begin until AFTER Bush leaves office, thereby guaranteeing that Rove and Company do some hard time for peeing on the Constitution, and preventing Bush from issuing a sweeping pardon, as his father did with Cap Weinberger, et al.


Anonymous said...

The questions that have not been asked regarding the US Attorney scandal are more local.Our own USA has been vaulted through the DOJ, with DEMOCRAT support, all the while a strong supporter of the Bush agenda. For example John Larson introduced Mr. O'Connor to the Senate Judicary Committee for his confirmation hearing. Why are Dems supporting a man who is in lock step with the Bush Admin politization of the DOJ?

Now, with a Senate vote all but assured in favor, Mr. O'Connor's loyalty to this politization of the DOJ will be rewarded with the number three position at DOJ.

I know Mr.O'Connor and have worked with him. He is a good man with a very good work ethic. He will do a good job. But I still think the citizens are entitled to a further explanation of his support for the Bush Admins turning the DOJ into a branch of the RNC legal department.

Larry said...

Well, I would hope CT residents besides you would ask those tough questions and try to get some answers.

I don't know Mr. O'Connor, and I'm not familiar with his support of the Bush DOJ.

Mr. Larson I am somewhat familiar with, having lived and worked in the Cheshire, CT area in the 1990s. seems the Dems are slowplaying this and other scandals, for reasons yet to be revealed. I'm hoping that the reasons aren't that they are also complicit with the criminal Bushies.