Wednesday, March 5, 2008

27 for 38...Ty Cobb Would Be Jealous

So rabid plagiarist Tim Goeglein sampled other folks sweat for 27 of his 38 published columns. That's a .711 batting average for you kids scoring at home.

The column that got him caught was a decade old, apparently, but many of his other columns were freshly pilfered from 2006 and 2007 materials.

Some commenters to Nancy Nall's blog have had the nerve to tell her she should have given Goeglein a headsup first, or perhaps the White House itself, to spare this man the humiliation and perhaps his job.

You can't cut Goeglein any slack. This guy was being lazy AND stupid.

And give the White House a headsup? What!?!?! THIS White House? The home of more Constitution-shredding, obfuscating, stonewalling behavior than the Nixon and Reagan and Bush 41 White Houses COMBINED?

This White House and this Administration got exactly what they deserve: more sullying of their dreadful reputation. Bush 43 will be forever renowned for incompetence, greed, failure, and mismanagement.

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