Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I like Easter. My reasons are more attitudinal than religious.

I just get sick of winter. As I get older, I find that I dislike the cold & snow & ice more and more. I can handle it in small doses, but by the end of February I'm ready to purchase a flamethrower and just torch every organic object within 50 miles, if that will help me keep my core temp up.

And there is absolutely zero reason to tie Jesus' resurrection to chocolate bunnies and marshmallows and jelly beans, but I do share the joy kids get out of these rituals.

We held our annual family Easter egg hunt, and our new puppy joined in the festivities as well.

So spring has gotten off to an excellent start. Pass the Peeps.

1 comment:

mick said...

I've seen chocolate crucifixes which helps tie it to Jesus.

As for the Easter egg hunt, my kids are too old now but even years ago I realized one of the joys of old age was that I could hide all the goodies in the yard and then go out with the kids and be just as challenged as they were. I had no clue where I'd hid most of them.