Thursday, February 21, 2008

Conservatives are weenies w/o principles, take 2

All it took for reluctant cons to swing to St. John McCain was for him to get sandbagged by the New York Times. JM and his Stepford wife, Cindy, made an impassioned plea for us all to ignore this story. Amazingly, though, he did not deny any specifics of the lobbying accusations.

Rush apparently jumped to Johnny Mac's defense. RedState and the other RW nutjob blogs are doing likewise. Romney's old campaign staff is apparently crying in their Maalox that the story hadn't broken in December. Someday the History Channel will run a "what if" special on just that topic. And meanwhile, Demosthenes at Shadow of the Hegemon raises an eyebrow: Huckleberry seems to be the prime recipient of any good to come of this story (scroll down to read "Yippee-Kay-Yay, GOP.") Makes you think, does it not????

All that is necessary for the conversion to be complete is for Mr. Dobson to come around. And why wouldn't he? As far as Rev. Dobson knows, Crazy Eyes John never Had Sex With That Woman.


In commuting news this week: the drivers on I-95 have been particulary cranky, which I attribute in part to the full moon. Now that the moon is waning again, I expect some semblance of sanity to return (that is, they will only drive 75 and not 90 in the breakdown lane, and I will have to actually do something to one of them to earn getting the bird).

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