Friday, February 15, 2008

One favor I ask of the Creator

I don't ask our Creator for much.

I asked for a couple of extra seasons of Futurama...and this was granted, albeit the extra seasons were truncated by those heartless bastards at FOX, who really hated the show. And the few extra seasons we got were pre-empted or interrupted by pro football and every other special event FOX could summon.

Yesterday Harriet Myers and Josh Bolten were finally voted as being in contempt of Congress for ignoring their subpoenas months ago in the U.S. Attorney scandal investigation.

So all I ask the Creator is that Myers and Bolten get frog-marched by the Sergeant-at-Arms, via inherent contempt, into the little jail cells that exist in the catacombs of the U.S. Congress.

I don't care if W tries to pardon both of them the next day....I just want them arrested, dragged through an airport or three in handcuffs, and shoved into Congress' basement lockup for 24 hours, with hundreds of little flash bulbs going off.

Bush can fly back from Africa like the Phantom and pardon them...I don't care. It is obvious with the nonstop stonewalling we've gotten from the Bushies that pardons are in line for all of them, anyhow, as long as Bush can abuse that power.

Please God, if you're reading this for me. You kinda half screwed me on Futurama. 24 hours and I'll call it even. Thanks eternally, in advance.

Your pal, Larry

Update - turns out Bush may not have the power to pardon them: according to Wikipedia, 'Presidential pardons appear not to apply to a civil contempt procedure like the above, since it is not an "offense against the United States" or against "the dignity of public authority"'

So there you have it, Lord. Not even Bush can mess with inherent contempt. He's practically daring you to do it. And it's Matt Groening's birthday.

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