Monday, February 25, 2008

Today's Backronym

Today's Backronym is SPAM.

I like SPAM. I'm talking about SPAM luncheon meat. SPAM started out as a portmanteau of "SPiced hAM."

When I was in Hawaii I learned that some folks like to fry it up for breakfast, and now, when I have a can lying around, I sometimes do the same.

According to Wikipedia, though, it has been turned into a backronym.

It has "unofficially assigned acronyms" including:

Specially Processed Assorted Meat
Slime Posing As Meat
Some Parts Are Meat
Specially Prepared American Meat
Scientifically Produced Artificial Meat
Sedatives, Preservatives, And Meat
Stuff Posing As Meat
Spare Parts After Mutilation

And, of course, "spam" refers to that nasty email detritus that plagues us all.

This definition generated:

Self-Propelled Automated Mailings
Stupid, Pointless, Annoying Messages

There are lots of varities, too.

Spam Black Pepper
Spam Less Sodium
Spam Garlic
Spam and Cheese
Spam with Bacon (Hormel bacon)
Spam Spread
Spam Fritters
Spam Lite (containing pork and chicken)
Spam Golden Honey Grail
Spam Hot and Spicy (with Tabasco sauce)
Spam Hickory Smoked
Spam Oven Roasted Turkey

Consider yourself spammed.


mick said...

Whaaaaat? No Monty Python?

I thought you might be going that way with Spam Golden Honey Grail but I see at that they actually made it in honor of MP.

Larry said...

Yeah...I could have gone for awhile longer, but I can save that for another Spam-related post.

Now that I thinking about Python, I can't get the Lumberjack song out of my head.

mick said...

You might like these:

No, I haven't tried them but I bet there are more using the in-between numbers. Enjoy them!

mick said...

The Iranian president is in the news again today and that reminded me, before this spam thread slips too far into the pages of history, that his name makes me think of the Lumberjack Song:

Ahmadinejad and I'm OK,
I sleep all night and I work all day...