Monday, February 18, 2008

Pawtucket's S-Curves

Seeing how the week began with a transportation theme, it is wholly appropriate to continue in that vein.

I drive through Providence and therefore Pawtucket several times a week on my commute to the Boston area. I'd say this section of Interstate 95 was designed by morons, but that implies at least some thought and planning.

From the Providence line through Pawtucket are these hideous S-curves. As soon as you careen through one, another appears up ahead in front of you. They really aren't banked well like the S-curves in a racetrack on a rainy day like today they can be especially treacherous.

Coincidentally tonight while driving home through them I heard a Sheryl Crow song I like: "Every Day is a Winding Road." When you commute to Boston from RI, it certainly is.

The song opens with a bongo drum solo...and I imagined rapping RIDOT engineers' foreheads with my knuckles in time with the beat.

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