Sunday, February 17, 2008

Gov. Carcieri Picks Big Dig Manager to Run RIDOT

Governor Donald Carcieri (R-Clueless) has chosen Michael P. Lewis to take over Rhode Island’s troubled Department of Transportation.

Lewis is famous for overseeing Boston’s Big Dig, a construction project that jumped in price from $2.6 billion to $14.8-billion over a 7-year period.

Cost-overruns. Quality issues. One death.

In other news, Carcieri is said to be considering Michael Brown, formerly of FEMA, to run Rhode Island's Emergency Management Agency. For the role of science advisor, Carcieri is said to be looking at one of the former Morton Thiokol engineers who designed the O-rings on Shuttle Challenger. And for his new chief of staff, Carcieri is said to be pondering Mike DuHaime, the genius campaign manager from the recently-deceased Giuliani campaign.

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