Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hated Moralizer Downfall Alert

Newsflash: Eliot Spitzer (D-NY Luv Guv), perhaps the homeliest (former) Attorney General this side of Dick Blumenthal, a man best known for his moralizing and heavy-handed prosecuting, was caught financing the interstate transport of a multi-thousand dollar hooker.

Who says capitalism is boring?

Incidently, this officially caps the Tri-State Governors Corruption Trifecta: McGreevy in NJ, Rowland in CT, now Spitzer in NY... with Giuliani & His Hamptons Mistress the cherry on top of the sundae.

And Eliot resigned, albeit artlessly.

A final thought: Hey, all you conservative Republican low-lifes (Rick Renzi, Larry Craig, David Vitter, etc.) hanging on out there. That is what you are supposed to do when you're caught red-handed. Slink off into the sunset.


mick said...

As for your "final thought" - you have to give the GOP credit for at least threatening to take some action. When one of them "sins", he (always an old white guy) digs in his heels and rides out his term and nobody (Dems) even complains. Within hours of the Spitzer saga unfolding, GOPs were trumpeting that they would impeach him if he failed to resign. No public waffling about whether or not we should do anything, no wondering about how the electorate will react - the GOP just jumps right in like they did when Clinton lied. It doesn't matter what the people think or want, they just charge ahead.

The Democrats in Congress, meanwhile, are the butt of W's jokes as he sings and dances and mocks them. Witness his "swan song" at the Gridiron club. Even Tweety was offended by it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, Google it. It's everywhere - except in the MSM, of course. The media can't show anything detrimental to W or they won't get invited to the next press conference, not that anything is ever revealed there. Maybe it's that they won't get the next pre-packaged propaganda release to air directly without all that tedious editing.

We're coming up on 5 years and 4000 US service deaths and nobody can still give a clear reason why we went there in the first place. And we certainly don't have anything impeachable on W or Dick, right? Right, we can't do that in "time of war".

Larry said...

Pelosi told Bush he knows he isn't telling the isn't calling him a liar, but it's getting closer.

I don't know why the Dems are so fraidy-scared to do anything against this Admin with a 19% approval rating.

mick said...

I'm sure you probably saw this, Colin had it on his post. But if not, enjoy the class prophesy.

Larry said...

Yeah, that's cute.

Now did Spitzer choose that, or was it placed there by default?

The quote under my name was put there by our Yearbook Committee.

Speaking of Spitzer ties, when I heard he'd lawyered up with Paul, Weiss, I wrote a good friend who used to work there...she told me he chose them because he was also a Paul, Weiss alumnus. So there you go...small world. Paul, Weiss was also Scooter Libby's choice.