Saturday, April 19, 2008

Can Hillary Stop Attacking Democrats?

I haven't really weighed in much on Obama v. Hillary lately, as I am happy to support whoever wins the nomination, and I'd rather focus my energies on defeating St. John McSurge (R- Budweiser).

But now there's a tape of Hill going nuclear on, an organization that was founded to push back on Bill's impeachment woes, defended Bill during that stupid "Path to 9/11" movie controversy, and which happens to represent over 3 million Dems across America.

Hillary...take a break from insulting us, insulting Obama, and concentrate on attacking McSurge. That may be the only way to win the rest of us over, if you can make it out of Pennsylvania with a campaign.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Hi larry,
While I agree that the negativity on the Dems side needs to be toned down several notches, I do have a different viewpoint about what Hillary is addressing in her comments.

My 2 cents worth is about the Iowa caucuses- and not just the '08 caucus. This same phenomenon occurred at my precinct back in '04.

In the '04 Iowa caucuses, at precinct 25, I was a Dean Caucus Captain (which means that I was in charge of the group of supporters for Dean at the caucus).

There can be as many out-of-state observers as wish to observe the caucus, but ONLY IOWANS are to actively participate in caucusing IN IOWA.

The only person that represented John Edwards camp of supporters in precinct 25 was from the east coast-Connecticut, I think- and she very actively caucused for Edwards in Iowa at my precinct.

She got in my way, interrupted other Iowans that were legally trying to caucus, and she made herself the appointee to call in the delegates from our precinct. I was left to observe her caucus in MY state. She also was signing up people in the parking lot, which is also illegal.

There were many reports of this type of out-of-state caucus participants in all the candidates camps in '04. I feel this type of cheating may give a false lead to someone out of the Iowa caucuses; a lead that may have been manipulated, and not earned. Huckabee would be such an example in'08, I believe.

Fast forward to the '08 Iowa Caucuses, and this time I was a Hillary Caucus Captain at precicnt 25. I have caucused for several decades, and I'd have to say that I have never seen such huge turnout for the caucuses as I witnessed this year, which I think is fantastic.

However, I did complain to the precinct chairman in '04 about the out-of-state active participant from Connecticut. At the '08 Caucus, I went around to check everyones Iowa statehood regarding the caucus captains, or the one that would be in charge of getting the delegates, before the caucus began, while the captains were setting up their stations. Every one of the captains acknowledged that they were indeed citizens of Iowa.

Precinct 25 was just as big of a surprise support for Obama as the rest of Iowa turned out to be.

I still managed to receive the second most delegates for Hillary at precinct 25. I was so pleased with the turnout, I just reminded all the Democrats leaving the building to be sure to come back in the fall.

It was after all the caucus goers had left, and the captains stayed behind to help the other volunteers clean up that the Obama Captain came over to congratulate me on the good caucus that happened at our precinct-AND HE JUST HAPPENED TO MENTION THAT HE WAS FROM RHODE ISLAND!! Providence to be exact.

So the captain for Obama in precinct 25, Polk County, Iowa lied to me. He also fully participated in IOWA's caucus. He also came out of the caucus with THE MOST DELEGATES.

20/20 Is This Cheating?

Blonde Ambition

P.S.- sorry so long :0)