Thursday, April 17, 2008

How McSurge Got His Groove Back sucking up to his base: everyday Republicans and conservative right-wing maniacs. I predicted this several months ago, when he first clinched the Repub nomination and conservatives and Bush Lovers everywhere were wringing their pasty little hands.

Relax, folks...St. John is resting easy these days...he aint running against anyone right now, so he appears all Presidential-like.

That ole microscope will swivel around shortly, though, and focus will return to this Ancient PTSD Flipflopper.


I did not watch the Dem debate last night, and who could blame me?

Stephanopoulos and Gibson??? I'd rather pluck my eyes out with fiery foundry tongs and stuff my ears with live centipedes.


mick said...

Could've been done better and don't read the comments:

But it speaks to one of your points.

mick said...

I'm sure you've seen this but why not join in the fun?