Tuesday, April 8, 2008

McSurge and the New Hundred Year's War

There was already a Hundred Years' War. It was in France, fought by the French and the English, and it was long and bloody and not particularly fruitful.

Now McSurge claims that there should be a new Hundred Years' War, only this time in Iraq and Iran, and wherever else this nutty little whackjob wants to send American troops.

Between now and November, we should hang this idiotic proposal about his puffy neck like the Ancient Mariner's albatross.


mick said...

I'm sure you've already read this:


I can't wait for the first open mic he goes off in front of. Major league! Big time!

Larry said...

Yeah, McSurge is an dirty bomb waiting for detonation.

I can't see him making it through too many debates without either blowing up or having a senior moment.