Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I can’t say I hate dogs anymore

People who know me know that I am a cat person.
Others, who don’t know me as well, sometimes ask me if I like dogs.

And I used to always say, “I can’t say I hate dogs…because I’ve never tasted one.”

That was then. Now we have a puppy. The cutest goddamn puppy on the whole planet, I kid you not. Even his name is cute: Toffee. Toffee is a black and tan Cavalier King Charles spaniel.

Toffee is unrelentingly. He’s turning me a cat & dog person against my will, with his supersaccharine puppyness.


Sheila said...

Oh, how cute! Would you please post a pic of lil' ol' Toffee?

The boys have been trying to talk me into getting a pooch for a couple of years now. I want a dog- it's just that I want a new (different) house more ;0)

We have a Beagle publication (didn't know there was such a thing a couple of months ago!) that is filled with adorable pups. Did you see a Beagle won the Westminister Dog Show? Such prestige!

You'll have to update Manic on how well your cats get along with your new puppy. That will be our problem- the cats will stay if/when we get a dog....

Happy Valentine's Day to all at Manic

Sheila & The Boys

Larry said...

Hi Sheila,

I will probably post a pic of Toffee this weekend...I have to figure out how to do it first. Still learning my way around a blog.

The interaction with our Gary has been interesting so far. Toffee is vey excited; Gary is less so. But I will blog on that relationship another time.

Happy Valentine's Day to you and the boys!!!